
Showing posts from February, 2023


 ونمكن لهم فى الارض ونرى فرعون وهامان وجنودهما منهم ما كانوا يحذرون And to establish them in the land, and to show Fir'aun and Hāmān and their forces through them what they feared. (28:6) Hämän: A proper name for a minister under Fir'awn. A character is found in the Book of Esther by the same name, but has no other correlation. The high priest in the temple of Amun was called " Ḥam nata tapiy amana ", which in its noun form becomes " Ḥam-amana " meaning servant of Amun. " Ḥam " in Egyptian means servant and "amana" is the articulated version of Amun (imn). The word means servant of Amun. However, it would be an assumption to claim that the proper name Haman is an arabization of the coptic title Ḥam-amana (Ḥam nata tapiy amana). The following are Haman inscriptions from Yemen, and medieval maps placing Haman in Yemen. In reality, the Western Egyptologists are the ones who have falsely articulated "Ḥam nata tapiy amana" as "Ḥ

Petra or Makkah?

The Pseudo-historians mainly from the Christian denomination claim that the original Qiblah was in Petra hence the Prophet Muhammed was born and raised in Petra and Ka'bah was in Petra, Makkah in the Quran is simply a spelling error and supposed to say Bakkah which according to them means a Valley of Weeping where people died, to refer to the valley of Petra, they cunningly mix the word Bakkah with the word Baca used in their Bible which talks about a valley of weeping called Baca, however, from a sole Quranic view, there is no evidence to support this claim. This page will inspect the evidence that the Prophet Muhammed was not from Petra but from Makkah a city in the Hijaz region of Arabia. • No mention of "Petra" in Qur'an • Many Arabic inscriptions are actually found more towards Hijaz and Southern Arabia, this also fits with the Arabian Felix theory from Kamal Salibi's book The Bible Came From Arabia, als